Supporting your Child – Advocating their Needs!
April 18, 2016
What is Social Skills (and what it’s NOT!)
May 2, 2016
Supporting your Child – Advocating their Needs!
April 18, 2016
What is Social Skills (and what it’s NOT!)
May 2, 2016

We recently joined Campaspe Shire Regional Library service in a morning of celebration – sharing in stories of Autism. So many thought provoking and wonderful moments were had, with some really valuable messages for us all.

As part of the event, our autistic community shared their own thoughts and insights around autism – what was great about autism, what was hard about autism, and what they thought people could do to support them to be their best.

These messages were too important not to share with you all!


What is great about autism and being on the spectrum?

I’m arty!  I’m good with animals  I can do Maths in my head!

Passionate  Loyal  Honest     Very focused

Quirky sense of humour       Not fazed by other people’s agendas

Comfort in doing the same thing over and over, patterns

I enjoy flapping, movement  Enjoy the simple things in life

We become experts in the things we like

Different perspective on life compared to non-autistic people

I don’t get caught up in gossip!

Being cautious can sometimes be a good thing because it makes me think twice about things – safety being one of those things

Having attention to detail that other people don’t have

Long term memory – really good at remembering things

I find remembering numbers easy

I’m better at computers than anyone else

One mum also added… “Everyday you have an opportunity to learn something you didn’t know yesterday, as no two days with a child on the spectrum are ever the same. You are also privileged to see the world in a totally different perspective, with overwhelming honesty and passion.”


What is hard about being on the autism spectrum?

Working out people     Thinking can be hard, and making decisions

When people laugh at the word Aspergers

Communicating my wants and needs

When things change     Anxiety     Meltdowns     People judging me

Friendships and social expectations (reading social cues)

Trying to understand too many instructions   Picking up sarcasm

How the world looks and sounds and feels and smells

Other people not understanding me or not taking me seriously


What would you most like people to know about how to support you to be your best?

Be positive, compassionate, reassuring, accepting and understanding

Don’t judge     Have patience  Ask us!!   Have clear expectations

Don’t assume we’re not capable / Don’t assume we don’t need support!

Don’t change things without telling us and letting us work it through

Explain details carefully and in simple terms

Stop using the words ‘retard’ and ‘spaz’ – even if it’s a joke

Educate yourself and others – in schools and in workplaces

Learn from autistic people – we know what works best for us!

Love us for who we are


And that’s something to think about…

Elissa & Sherri x

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