February 26, 2017

Thoughts, Ideas & Strategies
Welcome to the Creating Connections Australia blog page!
Our blog covers a range of topics relating to Autism, behaviour support, social skills and other aspects of neurodiversity.
Please check in with us regularly as we share our thoughts, ideas and stories, and please also feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. Sherri You can read our disclaimer and terms of use here.February 20, 2017
February 13, 2017
To understand what a person needs that will provide the best possible support, it is important to find out as much about them as we can. We recommend using a personal […]
January 24, 2017
As each new year comes around, it’s a great time to reflect on the year that we have left behind and look at what has been achieved. […]
January 18, 2017
In Australia, it’s that time of year where parents, teachers and support workers are all readying themselves for the beginning of the new school year or […]
November 28, 2016
We recently spent some time on our blog focussing on the importance of supporting change and transition – it’s something that is often on people’s minds at […]
November 14, 2016
As the year draws closer to the end and the festivities of cultural and religious celebrations begin, day to day functioning can become a little harder and […]
October 29, 2016
Over the past few weeks, our blog posts have been highlighting some important areas to understand about the impact of change, along with some strategies that […]
September 14, 2016
Learning can take many forms – from first-hand experience, working one on one with people, enrolling in a course of study or a combination of all […]