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Routine, Change & Transition




Routine, Change & Transition is a 3 hour digital presentation package exploring the potential impact of change on people with autism or other diverse needs, what this means for both you and the person themselves, how to build resilience in the person you support and why it’s important, our best ideas and strategies to support positive and successful routines and transitions, how to create an engaging, personalised transition plan that supports the needs of the individual and from a firsthand autistic perspective – what works and what doesn’t!

This product comes as a package of 7 modules, including individual presentations on:

  • Concept of Change & Transition – Impact of Change
  • Value of Routine, Structure & Consistency
  • General Transition Planning & Practical Supports
  • Unexpected Change & Building Resilience
  • Every day Ongoing Change & Transition (as part of daily life)
  • Planning for a Significant Change – The Transition Plan
  • Transition Success (and things to avoid)

You will learn:

* What is a change & transition?

* The potential effects of change & transition

* Planning for & Implementing a transition

* Supports for a successful transition

* Major transitions – preparing and implementing

* The things we want to avoid!

Throughout the presentation, you will have opportunities to try out newly learned knowledge and skills!

This video presentation has some audio variations due to parts of the presentation being recorded with a live audience.

Please note: purchase of this presentation allows one download – please ensure you download to the computer or device where you wish to store the presentation.

Additional information
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